Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Where's Summer, B.?

The weather here in CO has gotten very cold. The high yesterday was 40 oF and the low last night was 23 oF. Yesterday afternoon brought on a really heavy snowstorm, accumulation almost an inch in a little over an hour. Tonight and tomorrow are supposed to be more of the same, cold and snowy. Wasn't yesterday technically still summer? If it snows here in the summer, I need to be far away when winter finally gets here.

Although it could be interesting to test the 20 oF rating of my sleeping bag, I decided that I was tired of camping for the time being, so I went back into town and got a bed at the local hostel. It is definitely nice to have a warm bed to sleep in when it is this cold out, but I am the only one here so I feel like I might be missing out on the real hostel experience.

1 comment:

  1. It was around 90-ish here today. Still in the 80s at almost 11PM. Toasty warm . . . .
    Anyway, any updates on the car situation?
